Peppermint Crisp

from I <3 Waffles, Simonstown on 28 Nov 2021

Pretty good

Very pepperminty and very chocolatey, which is possibly unsurprising when it contains actual peppermint crisp chocolate, but its a good baseline. The topping cream was acceptable, although it wasn’t the best cream I’ve had (and personally I’m generally not fond of covering milkshakes with cream).

In addition to the large chunks of peppermint crisp in the picture, the shake itself also has little crushed bits of chocolate mixed in. This is an improvement to the already-good texture. Which is reasonably creamy, not too thick and not too thin.

I am, however, docking the usual points for lacking a spoon and plate. Spoons are especially important if your shake has both cream and chunks of toppings!